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A canine family becomes the catalyst for human connection in this heartwarming film about a lonely man looking for a way to keep his seven dogs in his apartment despite the neighbors’ threats.

Ernesto lives with his seven dogs in an apartment building in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. His lonely daily routine revolves around his pets’ needs, his health problems, and his money problems. Tired of the constant barking, some of his neighbors arrange a mediation hearing, urging him to take his pets out of the apartment. But Ernesto cannot envision a life without his dogs, and he cannot afford to move elsewhere.

Thanks to the empathy of people who are also lonely, but share common spaces that connect them, Ernesto finds a way to solve the conflict.

Seven Dogs is a simple and bright film on prejudice, finger-pointing, and social harassment.

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Direction: Rodrigo Guerrero

Script: Paula Lussi

Cast: Luis Machín, Maximiliano Bini, Natalia Di Cienzo

Original Title: Siete perros

Original Language: Spanish

Subtitles: English

Film Production Country: Argentina


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