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In the opening scene, Dr. Headley demonstrates the success of his cure for consumption. He is congratulated by his colleagues. Meanwhile, it is autumn and Winifred is seriously ill with consumption. Her mother and younger sister, Trixie, are distraught. The family doctor tells Winifred's parents that she will die by the time the last leaf falls. Trixie takes these words literally; after the child is tucked into bed, she sneaks outside and starts tying fallen leaves back on branches with string. Passerby Dr. Headley sees her and learns from her what she is doing. He is led into the house where he administers an injection of his serum cure. Three months later, Winifred is well on the way to recovery. The beginnings of romance between doctor and patient are depicted in the closing scene.

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Direction: Alice Guy Blaché

Original Title: Falling Leaves

Original Language: No dialogue

Film Production Country: United States of America


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