Blooming on the Asphalt

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As Jack starts his gender transition process, Brazil is plunged into a wave of extreme conservatism. For five years, we follow the transformations in both his life and in Brazil, as the LGBTQI+ community are challenged by an ultra-right-wing government and a devastating pandemic.

This intimate portrayal of Jack and his friends reveals a tender network of affection and solidarity that flourishes in the midst of adversity. Blooming on the Asphalt is a beautiful, vibrant documentary that captures the resilience and strength of queer Brazilian youth.

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Direction: Coraci Ruiz

Cast: Julio Matos, Jack Celeste, Helena Agalenéa, Noah Silveira Ruiz, Rafaela Vaz

Original Title: Germinio pétalas no asfalto

Original Language: Portuguese

Subtitles: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

Film Production Country: Brazil


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